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[:cereal:] iphone nel 2005 aveva il 50% di probabilità di esser basato su Linux

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#1 eglio



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  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Inviato 13 ottobre 2011 - 11:59

http://www.macrumors... ... prototype/

In fact, the article suggests that Forstall was a major factor in Tony Fadell's departure from crapple in early 2010. Fadell had been called the "Godfather" of the iPod due to his key role in that device's creation.

Forstall and Fadell reportedly went head to head in 2005 when Steve Jobs pitted the two against each other in determining the underlying operating system for the iPhone. The two possibilities were a Linux-based operating system or a Mac OS X based one.

"In other words, should he shrink the Mac, which would be an epic feat of engineering, or enlarge the iPod? Jobs preferred the former option, since he would then have a mobile operating system he could customize for the many gizmos then on crapple’s drawing board. Rather than pick an approach right away, however, Jobs pitted the teams against each other in a bake-off."

Forstall, of course, led the shrunken down Mac OS X project and ultimately won, but the bad blood over time was said to be a factor in Fadell's decision to leave.

:alone: :whistler:

Immagine inserita

Dopo anni di guerra ancora non avete capito che i Russi non sparano di proposito sui civili?

ciò che afferma Putin, drammaticamente, corrisponde a una verità più imparentata con la realtà e la logica.

#2 rgart


    Troia Succhiacazzi Transessuale

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Inviato 13 ottobre 2011 - 12:00


A piece of advice:
/b/ : /b/ros = /ds/ : retar/ds/


#3 mapomac



  • 35.531 Messaggi:

Inviato 13 ottobre 2011 - 13:48

sono stati magnanimi dai
diversamente oggi android non esisterebbe

perché non è forstall il nuovo ceo ? :alone:

I was there is 1994 in Toronto. All I can say is that the concert was as close to a religious experience or being abducted by aliens. Out of the f n world. Best concert I have ever been to ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

#4 eglio



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  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Inviato 13 ottobre 2011 - 13:49

quando muore cook è buon candidato :whistler:

Dopo anni di guerra ancora non avete capito che i Russi non sparano di proposito sui civili?

ciò che afferma Putin, drammaticamente, corrisponde a una verità più imparentata con la realtà e la logica.

#5 mapomac



  • 35.531 Messaggi:

Inviato 13 ottobre 2011 - 14:03


I was there is 1994 in Toronto. All I can say is that the concert was as close to a religious experience or being abducted by aliens. Out of the f n world. Best concert I have ever been to ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)